Tuesday, May 13, 2014

Spring Manicure

Hi everyone! Sorry the post is one day late! I only have a week of school left, so things have been really crazy with projects and after school activities! This week I wanted to show you a fun spring manicure that is super easy to do! I have a really awesome technique I use to paint my nails so if you want a tutorial, comment below or tell me on Facebook, Instagram, or Pinterest. Let's get started!

You will need...
Q tips 
Nail polish remover
Nail clippers if needed
White nail polish 
Aqua or mint green nail polish
Coral/light orange polish

(You can use any colors of your choice, but I recommend using the white polish for the fingers I use it for in this tutorial.)

Paint your ring and pointer finger white

Then, use your favorite spring bright/pastel color to paint your thumb, middle finger, and pinkie.

Paint 2 coats.

To do polka dots on your ring finger, stick your toothpick into another color and make little lines of dots on your nail.

Now, use that same color to paint a stripe on the tip of your pointer finger.

If this is too hard, you can simply add a clear sparkle polish on top of your white base. Seal in your design with a top coat.

And, that's it!

I hope you enjoyed the tutorial! Make sure you ask me questions if you have any by telling me on my Facebook, Instagram, Pinterest, or email! If you liked this post please let me know in the comments so I will know you like seeing nail tutorials! Summer break is almost here and I have a lot of posts to show you! Love you! 

Monday, May 5, 2014

What's in my Purse Tag!

Hi everyone! Happy Cinco De Mayo! I hope I spelled it right!;) today I am showing you everything I carry in my purse on the go! I didn't even go through my bag before, so who knows what's gonna be in here!:) Let's get started!

Follow me on Instagram or Facebook for more awesome pics!

Here's my bag! I got it from Charming Charlie's. It's a cross body bag that has many pockets and is great for anything on the go! 

Front pocket

Side pocket Who knew?! That movie was the bomb.com by the way! Rio 2

Main pocket

Empty bags of snacks from my movie! They were delish! 

My planner for all of my blog post ideas!

A super cute bangal!

Some t-shirts my friend left at my house...Josie!!!!

Compact mirror

There's you guys! I also keep my iPod in my purse.

Another journal for cute quotes and other ideas

That's it for this tag! Here's a sneak peak to a makeover I did with my friend Emily! I will be posting this in the near future! I will also be posting some hair and nail tutorials! I have lots of fun stuff planned so make sure you check back every Monday for a new post! 
Follow me on...
Instagram: @rylee_harmon
Facebook: Rylee Smiley
Pinterest: heyrylee
Email: pinkandgreenplace@yahoo.com
 If you have a favorite purse essential or organization tip for your pure make sure to leave me a comment down below or use the #purseswithrylee on any of my social media platforms. I would love to see your pictures and tips so make sure to share! Love you all and see you next Monday!
P.S make sure to share pinkandgreenplace with hall of your friends!

Monday, April 21, 2014

Girl's Night Out Faves

Here are a few of my favorite outfits to wear during a gno! By the way, I won't be able to post next week because I will be having standerized testing that day and I need to get plenty of sleep! Sorry everyone, but I will be back on schedule the following week! Ok I'm just going to jump right in!

Love this jewelry!

Fedoras are always cute for night and day!

I have been loving cross body bags lately!

Comfortable shoes are key when you're going to be walking around a lot.

Low to high skirts and dresses are very in for the spring and summer!

I love this skirt because it has pockets!

A pair of jean shorts is perfect for a casual walk around town! 

If you get cold, you can wear an over sized cardigan like I am here.

You could also pair this dress with a leather jacket!

Jean vests are super in for Spring and so are brightly colored scarves!

I got this cross body bag for Easter and I love it because it has a bohemian kind of vibe.

Too bad they don't have my size:(  Otherwise these would be perfect!;)

That's it for this week! Make sure you comment below on what your favorite essential was or what are some of your favorite accessories for Spring! See you all in 2 weeks! Check out my new Facebook account @Rylee Smiley !

Saturday, April 12, 2014

DIY Message Easter Eggs!

IDHi everyone! Here is this week's DIY! Happy Easter! I found this on one of Bethany Mota's videos and I just had to try it! I hope you enjoy this DIY as much as I have! Ok, let's get started!

Raw eggs
Push pin
Egg dying kit

Put a hole into the top and the bottom of the egg with the push pin.

Use your straw to push out all of the yolk into the bowl.

Rinse your egg out with water.

Dry off your egg.
You can dye your eggs at this point. I just didn't have a dye kit when I did the project.

While your eggs are drying, take your pen and paper and write some short and sweet messages and cut them out.

Roll up your message as tightly as you can.

Put the message Into the hole at the top of your egg.

I decorated my egg with markers instead of dying them.

And that's it! Now you can put your eggs into a cute basket to give to friends and family! I added some Eos lip balms since they are shaped like eggs and a travel size lotion from bath and body works.

Now you can crack open your egg to reveal a special message!

Let me know what you think by sending me your comments by using the blog email and tell me what your favorite thing about Easter is! A Facebook page is coming soon! More details to come! If you would like to receive my blog emails please send and email to pinkandgreenplace@yahoo.com with the message "subscribe" That's it from me! Happy Easter and I will see you next Monday!