Monday, May 5, 2014

What's in my Purse Tag!

Hi everyone! Happy Cinco De Mayo! I hope I spelled it right!;) today I am showing you everything I carry in my purse on the go! I didn't even go through my bag before, so who knows what's gonna be in here!:) Let's get started!

Follow me on Instagram or Facebook for more awesome pics!

Here's my bag! I got it from Charming Charlie's. It's a cross body bag that has many pockets and is great for anything on the go! 

Front pocket

Side pocket Who knew?! That movie was the by the way! Rio 2

Main pocket

Empty bags of snacks from my movie! They were delish! 

My planner for all of my blog post ideas!

A super cute bangal!

Some t-shirts my friend left at my house...Josie!!!!

Compact mirror

There's you guys! I also keep my iPod in my purse.

Another journal for cute quotes and other ideas

That's it for this tag! Here's a sneak peak to a makeover I did with my friend Emily! I will be posting this in the near future! I will also be posting some hair and nail tutorials! I have lots of fun stuff planned so make sure you check back every Monday for a new post! 
Follow me on...
Instagram: @rylee_harmon
Facebook: Rylee Smiley
Pinterest: heyrylee
 If you have a favorite purse essential or organization tip for your pure make sure to leave me a comment down below or use the #purseswithrylee on any of my social media platforms. I would love to see your pictures and tips so make sure to share! Love you all and see you next Monday!
P.S make sure to share pinkandgreenplace with hall of your friends!

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