Saturday, October 19, 2013

Fab Five For Friday

Hey Guys! It is time again for my second segment of "Fab Five For Friday!"
I love doing this! PS-A Pinterest link is on its way! Apparently, I was wrong. this is supposed to
be called High Five for Friday and there is a separate segment called Fab Five Favorites! Oh well, you will see a mix of pinterest posts and some highlights from my week. It just depends on what I am in the mood for!

Here we go!

Just in Time For Halloween!

Pink Chevron Washi Tape for R25.00
Washi Tape! I can't wait to use this on everything!

This is super cozy just in time for Fall!

Bright Flavor
Brightly colored Macaroons!
It doesn't get better than this!

                           Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough Ice Cream Sandwiches
                                      Chocolate Chip cookie dough ice cream bars!

I love these pins and I hope you do too.
sorry for the off centering and I know it is Saturday again.
I started this last night and I can not tell you how hard this was!
I am going to use a different method next week!

Love ya!

Stay Pink and Green!


PS- Halloween costume pics and videos to come! ;)
(Yes I know I am to old for Trick-or Treating!)
But who cares!


  1. Keep the posts coming. I love them.
    I also love the new pic of you and my nephews!!!
    Love you.
