Sunday, May 26, 2013

My New Summer Journal!

I love getting new ideas from all of my friends, and that's exactly what I did!
When I went to my friend, Ashlyn's house the other day, I saw that she had a cute journal on top of her counter. On the front, it said, "Ashlyn's Summer Journal" and it had a picture of watermelon below the title.
How Cute!
I decided, with her permission of course, that I should make a summer Journal and I shold write in it every day! So that is what I have been doing since Summer has started!
Here are a couple of pictures!
I also put a Summer Bucket List in the two covers of the composition book!
I even have a Quote of the day!

You all should start one , too.
Love you guys!
Comment Question:
Have you ever written in a journal before?
What are some things you like to write about?
Comment Below!


  1. Hey...Glad to see I made the bucket list!
    Yes....I used to write in my gratitude journal everyday. I should start doing that again. Thanks for the reminder.
    Love you more.

  2. What a fun idea girl! How fun! I write in my journal almost everyday i`m trying to get better. See you soon !
