Q tips
Nail polish remover
Nail clippers if needed
White nail polish
Aqua or mint green nail polish
Coral/light orange polish
(You can use any colors of your choice, but I recommend using the white polish for the fingers I use it for in this tutorial.)
To do polka dots on your ring finger, stick your toothpick into another color and make little lines of dots on your nail.
If this is too hard, you can simply add a clear sparkle polish on top of your white base. Seal in your design with a top coat.
I hope you enjoyed the tutorial! Make sure you ask me questions if you have any by telling me on my Facebook, Instagram, Pinterest, or email! If you liked this post please let me know in the comments so I will know you like seeing nail tutorials! Summer break is almost here and I have a lot of posts to show you! Love you!